Alternatives to Makergear
Find the Right 3D Printer for Your Business
Due to unforeseen circumstances Makergear has been forced to scale back their operations. Because all of their sales are now final you can’t expect to be able to get support on these printers. Please know that Cimquest in on stable ground and you can count on us to fully support all of our products. We have a great line of various 3D printers that offer terrific alternatives to Makergear. Why take a chance and purchase a 3D printer from a company with a very uncertain future? Cimquest sells and supports the Makerbot, Formlabs and Ulitmakers lines and these printers all offer. . . .
3D printing has never been more accessible and versatile. Contact Cimquest to learn more about how 3d printing can help you achieve fine feature prototypes, robust manufacturing tools or functional end use parts.
Not sure what 3D printer is the best fit for your project? Our experts can help you choose from the most advanced 3D printers.