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UltiMakerMethod XL

Large scale ABS 3D printing.
Injection-molding prototyping.

UltiMaker Method XL

Precision printing. Industrial scale.

Introducing the Method XL. Print large parts with industrial-grade materials and high dimensional accuracy – the ultimate solution for engineering applications.

  • Composite direct drive extruders
  • Heated chamber up to 100 °C
  • Heated buildplate up to 105 °C
UltiMaker Method XL

Engineering-grade ABS prototypes

Print solid, engineering-grade ABS prototypes that match your specs./span>

With the Method XL, engineers can design, test, and produce large-scale models and prototypes with durable, production-grade ABS for their manufacturing needs with unrestricted geometric freedom.

Method XL Build Volume

Large part size?
No compromise.

Extra large build volume

With the largest build volume of any UltiMaker 3D printer, the Method XL is the ultimate 3D printing solution for large-scale projects. Print with industrial-grade materials and exceptional dimensional accuracy without the need to compromise on the size of your parts.

Method XL now in UltiMaker Cura

UltiMaker Cura now includes print profiles for the Method XL.

Unlock complete 3D printing flexibility on the Method XL by using UltiMaker Cura. You can use professionally tuned print profiles within Cura to slice files for the Method XL.

Method XL Accuracy

High precision for
Low tolerances.

Exceptional dimensional accuracy

The Method XL has been especially engineered to maintain dimensional accuracy and tight tolerances while printing even the largest ABS parts. Not only does the Method XL avoid warping and layer adhesion issues, but it creates massive parts with industrial-grade precision.

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Contact Cimquest for a demo, sample part or more information.