Whether you are bringing in a file from a specific CAD package or a neutral format, dependable, accurate data translators are essential to your shop.
- Built-in data translators for IGES, Parasolid®, SAT (ACIS solids), AutoCAD® (DXF, DWG, and Inventor TM files), SolidWorks®, Solid Edge®, SpaceClaim®, KeyCreator®, Rhino®, STEP, EPS, CADL, STL, VDA, and ASCII.
- Direct translators for CATIA®, Pro/E, NX® and more are also available.
- When opening a SolidWorks file in Mastercam, you can bring in the entire solids history, ready to be edited with Mastercam Solids.
- Special no-charge Mastercam Direct add-ins put a button in your CAD system’s toolbar that lets you open launch Mastercam and open your native file with a single click. Mastercam Direct is available for SolidWorks, Solid Edge, or AutoCAD Inventor files.