The widest material choice on the market
Choosing the right material is critical to the success of your 3D print. Ultimaker’s open filament system lets you print with any 2.85 mm filament, and print profiles from the Ultimaker Marketplace streamline print preparation and maximize your print success rate.

PET Carbon Fiber for S series
Use UltiMaker PET CF to create high-performance applications, from functional prototypes to manufacturing aids and replacement parts. UltiMaker PET CF comes in multiple colors, is easy-to-use, and is versatile. Making it the perfect choice for composite printing on UltiMaker S series printers for a wide range of applications.
Unlimited material choice
Make your application meet the demands of the real world by printing it with advanced polymers and composites. Any 2.85 mm filament works with Ultimaker hardware, and an expanding selection of materials with print profiles from the Ultimaker Marketplace guarantee print success every time.
The material properties your application demands
Strong, flexible, chemical resistant, flame retardant, and more. The Ultimaker Marketplace has the material properties you need. Unlock big savings for your business and outpace your competitors by printing customized manufacturing tools, functional prototypes, and end-use parts – locally and on demand.
Pre-configured print profiles for the best workflow available
We’re working with leading material manufacturers to deliver print profiles that perform. Every profile available in the Ultimaker Marketplace is tested by the manufacturer on Ultimaker hardware, so you can print right the first time – without complex configuration.