3D IRIS Scanning Technology

IRIS - Internal Rapid Inspection Scanner from Cimquest

First Article Inspection from your physical part within 48 hours

The simple solution to your complex measurement needs. With our IRIS 3D Scanning Services Technology you can accurately measure the external and internal features of small, complex, injection molded plastic parts, facilitate problem solving and reduce failures.

THE RESULT: A dramatic reduction in time to market.

Cimquest’s proprietary IRIS 3D Scanning Technology scans the entire part allowing first article reports in as little as 48-hours. Customers will receive a cost effective, detailed and accurate report for part quality when qualifying an injection mold, faster then standard inspection techniques (this process can take weeks out of a tooling qualification program.

Rapid Inspection LLC, a subsidiary of Cimquest Inc, uses cross sectional scanning to offer 3D Inspection for injection molded parts. What typically takes weeks can be accomplished in hours. Customers supply the Injected molded part and solid model and receive the scanned 3d point cloud, a 3D color map comparison of the scan vs the solid model, a ballooned 2D Drawing, an AS9102 certified inspection report and a highlighted deviation report for easy analysis.

Complete this form for further information

3 Steps to your 1st Article Inspection Report

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