Xpand3d 2021 Details for Exhibitors and Presenters
We are excited to announce that our Xpand3D event is going to be held virtually May 25th and 26th. Unfortunately the Covid-19 lockdown has greatly impacted all of our abilities to drive new opportunities into our funnels, and we see this event being a significant driver of new leads for our businesses. Based on previous in person events, and the accessibility of this event to a larger geography, we expect over 1000 attendees!
With Xpand3D we strive to bring compelling content in the form of industry leading technology providers as well as high value educational seminars. It is important to us to distinguish between the exhibition part of the show where selling activities take place and our sessions that are only for showing the value added component of your company by providing educational only content.
Platinum will receive a 45 minute session presentation (Subject to Approval) along with a large booth logo with priority listing on the exhibitor page. The logo will also cycle in the Lobby Page, the first place attendees will stop when they login to see the agenda. We will also feature your logo in any Cimquest Marketing Emails sent to our database with the event invite.
The Virtual Booth allows you to display your company’s brand and product offerings, similar to a real tradeshow booth. You can customize the appearance, add a promo video, product descriptions, PDF downloads, and Special Promotions (See video above). Attendees who click on your booth will be able to see all of this content, send chat messages, and will be marked as a lead.
The Virtual Booth is also where you’ll have your Live Stream
To balance out the session/presentation hours and exhibit hours we have created Four 45 minute exhibit only sections in the agenda to drive attendees to your booths. However, we also ask that during the keynote presentations and panel discussions that you encourage attendees to attend those sessions. The Live Stream capability allows you to directly interact with attendees, which simulates a real tradeshow. All you need is your webcam however if you have an external camera setup this will work too. The platform is similar to a Youtube Live Stream in which you Stream directly to attendees who can then text chat with you in real time. We suggest you Stream from an environment which shows your technology in the background. For example, if you sell a 3D Printer, you could be sitting in the room with the 3D printer, providing a real time overview of the technology. You can even move your webcam or camera to show different components of the equipment, just like in a real trade show. Any comments or questions that come in can be answered in the order you receive them. It is essentially an on-going Q&A with prospects who are interested in your technology.
Anyone who clicks on and enters your booth will be registered as a lead. You will receive all of their contact information, and will be able to export the list at any time. You will also receive private tracking links to promote the event via your email database or social media. Any lead who registers with this link will be automatically given to you.
An attendee can choose to send private messages to you asking for more in-depth information. They can also choose to set up a separate meeting, which you can then conduct outside of the Accelevents Platform with programs like Zoom or Google Meet.
There will be up to 12 Educational sessions held each day, along with two “Main Stage” Keynote or Panel presentations. We are working on developing the full schedule and will have one soon that you can share with prospects. The Sessions will be one of the main draws of the event due to the wide range of unique educational content. They will be held on a platform similar to Zoom or Gotowebinar, which allows you to present a powerpoint as well as your Webcam if you choose.
There will be up to 12 Educational sessions held each day, along with two “Main Stage” Keynote or Panel presentations. We are working on developing the full schedule and will have one soon that you can share with prospects. The Sessions will be one of the main draws of the event due to the wide range of unique educational content. They will be held on a platform similar to Zoom or Gotowebinar, which allows you to present a powerpoint as well as your Webcam if you choose.