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August 2015

Executives At Stratasys Learn About Additive Manufacturing in Key Industries

By |August 26th, 2015|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Stratasys|

SME’s The Big M Conference returned to America’s manufacturing hub – Detroit, Michigan – for a two-day event illustrating the future of manufacturing. The conference gave industry leaders the opportunity to explore emerging technologies and innovations that are needed to create better solutions for businesses.

Stratasys networking breakfast Stratasys networking breakfast attendees experienced the design advantages and durability of 3D printed parts.

Stratasys kicked off its participation with a […]

Dynamic Motion Technology Paybacks Part 2

By |August 24th, 2015|Mastercam|

Last week we started to list out some paybacks to using Mastercam’s Dynamic Motion technology. Today we will continue with a few more reasons to explore these toolpaths . . .

Payback#3: Program Faster
Dynamic Motion technology users report that they are creating part programs for roughing faster. What used to take hours can frequently be accomplished in minutes.

Why is this? Dynamic Motion technology automatically makes many adjustments in tool movements that create ultra efficient, ultra smooth […]

Mastercam 2D High Speed Toolpath Enhancements

By |August 21st, 2015|Mastercam|

Mastercam 2D High Speed Toolpaths

Mastercam X9 includes many enhancements, bringing Mastercam Mill to the next level. It now supports generic Radial Chip Thinning in a number of applicable Mill and Mill 3D toolpaths, making it easier to program efficient feeds and speeds while maintaining targeted chip thickness. Mastercam X9 also builds on its already efficient and powerful Dynamic Motion engine. It introduces an optional Conventional cut feed rate for […]

Getting a Handle on Stone Age Tools with Stratasys 3D Printing

By |August 19th, 2015|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Stratasys|

Stone-age hand-axes were a functional utility tool as well as prehistoric status symbol, demonstrating primeval man’s ability to adapt, innovate and use technology to improve his lifestyle and long-term existence. Among the stone-age community dating back to the Paleolithic Period some 700,000 years ago, hand axes were a sign of success, extraordinary skill and man’s ability to provide for his family.

3D printed part ‘Stone hand-axe’ number […]

What Can Mastercam’s Dynamic Motion Technology Do For You?

By |August 17th, 2015|Mastercam|

Mastercam's Dynamic Motion

Mastercam’s Dynamic Motion Technology can shrink lead times and slash operating costs with constant chip load. This CAM roughing technology is designed to take full advantage of the latest cutting tool advancements. For more than a half-century, material scientists understood the theoretical benefits of a phenomenon known as RCT (Radial Chip Thinning). RCT has to do with the behavior of cutting tools when step-overs are […]

6-Year Old Boy Gets 3D Printed Bionic Hand

By |August 12th, 2015|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Stratasys|

Brazilian Soccer Star Kaká Gives 6-Year Old Boy Bionic Hand Created by Limbitless Using Stratasys 3D Printer.

Kids pursuing their passions provide terrific inspiration for the team at Limbitless Solutions. Working out of a lab at the University of Central Florida (UCF), Limbitless Solutions creates individualized 3D printed bionic limbs for children that match both their anatomy and personality. These fantastic and personalized devices are produced in just hours on a Stratasys Dimension Elite 3D Printer.

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