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30 08, 2021

Mastercam Multiaxis Concepts You Need to Know

By |2021-08-30T08:47:24-04:00August 30th, 2021|Categories: Mastercam|0 Comments

Mastercam Multiaxis add-on is designed to provide practical multiaxis machining strategies for simultaneous 4- and simultaneous 5-axis machining. It’s available for add-on for Mastercam Mill 3D, Mastercam Router 3D, Mastercam Mill-Turn, and Mastercam for SOLIDWORKS. Its interface is intuitive, but savvy users can maximize their multiaxis proficiency by diving into these five concepts. 1. 3 + 2 Machining 3 + 2 machining is not necessarily a standard multiaxis technique; it’s more of a stepping stone [...]

26 08, 2021

Mastercam Joining the Sandvik Group – What does it mean?

By |2021-08-27T09:09:51-04:00August 26th, 2021|Categories: Mastercam, News / Promos|0 Comments

Mastercam Joining the Sandvik Group - What does it mean? You may have heard the news that CNC Software (Mastercam) has been acquired by Sandvik. Having been tightly coupled with Mastercam for over 34 years – 31 years with Cimquest and for almost 3 years prior with another reseller – you can imagine my concern with the news. I purposely held off on sending out my own personal message around this news so that I [...]

23 08, 2021

Save Programming Time with Mastercam Stock Models

By |2021-08-23T08:23:19-04:00August 23rd, 2021|Categories: Mastercam|0 Comments

Hundreds of CNC programmers, CNC machinists, 3D scanning experts, 3D printing specialists, and other manufacturing professionals came together at this year’s Xpand3D event to discuss new technologies. Speaker Tom Kryger, Application Engineer and Mastercam Technical Specialist here at Cimquest, used his breakout session to explain how stock models can be invaluable tools for the CNC programmer. For Kryger, using stock models is a consistent part of his regular workflow, as these visual aids help to [...]

16 08, 2021

What Is 5-Axis Machining?

By |2021-08-16T08:49:37-04:00August 16th, 2021|Categories: Mastercam|0 Comments

As more advanced CNC machining takes the manufacturing industry by storm, some shops are hesitant to take the leap into 5-axis machining. For those who want to succeed in a world dominated and determined by progress, though, ignoring 5-axis could mean leaving money on the table. What is 5-axis Machining? The term 5-axis machining refers to a type of multiaxis subtractive manufacturing in which the machine that cuts away stock material can move in five [...]

9 08, 2021

Mastercam Multiaxis Machining: How It Works and Its Benefits

By |2021-08-09T08:24:10-04:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: Mastercam|0 Comments

The spindle tile type 5 axis CNC milling machine cutting the automotive part. As automation and Industry 4.0 take the manufacturing world by storm, multiaxis machining is becoming a common topic of discussion in shops globally. The reason? Multiaxis machining enables faster, more complex machining with less human labor. What is Multiaxis Machining? Traditional milling has been around for over 200 years, but 3-axis milling was not invented until 1861, when Brown & [...]

2 08, 2021

More Ways Mastercam 2022 Saves You CNC Machining Time

By |2021-08-02T08:27:10-04:00August 2nd, 2021|Categories: Mastercam|0 Comments

Time is money, and Mastercam 2022 is built with new, user-driven advancements that can help any programmer—regardless of the size of their shop—shave off time spent machining. Let's explore three new ways that Mastercam 2022 can help you save CNC machining time. 1. Updates to 3D High-Speed Dynamic OptiRough Mastercam’s proprietary Dynamic Motion technology has been saving user’s programming and machining time for over a decade. These contemporary machining strategies are designed to keep a [...]

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