You can now use the space bar to instantly recall the last command used if you returned Mastercam to an idle state between commands. To do this just active a simple command, for instance: Create / Curve / Curve on One Edge. Place curves on a few edges, then click OK. Now, if you hit the space bar Mastercam will return to the single edge curve command immediately.

Mastercam Space Bar Recall


Note that if you change color while this command is still active then color change will become the most recent command recalled by the space bar after OK is clicked.

Mastercam Space Bar Recall

An immediate mode command can also be called by this action. If you click Undo, one edge curve is undone and each successive click of the spacebar repeats the undo command.

This method also works with toolpath commands. Select some toolpath commands like for instance, Mill Toolpaths / Drill. Now create your toolpath and then click OK. Pressing the space bar will return you to the Drill Toolpath command instantly.

Mastercam Space Bar Recall

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