Strategically Integrating Post and Go
An optimized post processor means the code you generate in your software is the exact code that will run on your machine. Programmers are often too busy to optimize their post processors but doing so is guaranteed to save time and money.
Without a well-tuned post processor, machinists often have to find workarounds by rewriting the G-code at the machine. Not only does this open the process to an entirely new opportunity for user error, it allows even the best-intentioned operator to make modifications that could reduce efficiency or increase the risk of scrap. These modifications haven’t been run through the software’s simulation and therefore are unpredictable. Even if his or her edits are efficient, the time that the operator must invest in learning the nuances of the machine in order to make the changes is discouraging, and an entire project could be held up in the case of that particular operator taking a sick day.
When post processing features are as synchronized as possible, a program will behave almost identically on relatively similar machines. There is no need for operators to rewrite code, to stand by and watch machining, or to study each machine thoroughly to learn its intricacies.
Optimizing post processors can be an intimidating undertaking, but every certified Mastercam Reseller has a team of application engineers ready to help. Most 3-axis adjustments are relatively simple and can be taken care of with just one engineer over a short span of time. When more complicated 5-axis adjustments arise, application engineers often team up with the experts at CNC Software as well as technical support for the machine builders. The result is a more streamlined and efficient production process and a better bottom line.
Steps to optimize post processors in your shop can be a part of your long-term strategies for manufacturing success. If you are a Mastercam user, run a machine shop, or are simply looking for more ideas to keep a shop running at peak safety and productivity, click the button below for our Mastercam 2-Minute Tuesday video series.
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