
2MT CX Calculating Hole Sizes and True Position with MMC| 2 Minute Tuesday

By |2025-03-17T17:26:45-04:00March 17th, 2025|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV|Tags: , , , |

2MT CX Calculating Hole Sizes and True Position with MMC | 2 Minute Tuesday In this episode of Two Minute Tuesday, we will discuss calculating the true position of of holes relative to datums and enabling maximum material condition, or MMC, to enable bonus tolerancing for each hole in Control X.  


Meet the Formlabs 4L – Large-Format 3D Printing, Redefined

By |2025-03-17T16:07:25-04:00March 17th, 2025|Categories: 3D Printing / Additive Mfg, 4L, FormLabs|Tags: , , |

​In the rapidly evolving world of 3D printing, Formlabs has consistently positioned itself at the forefront of innovation. Their latest offering, the Form 4L, exemplifies this commitment by delivering large-format 3D printing capabilities without compromising on precision or reliability. A recent YouTube Short by Cimquest provides a concise visual overview of the Form 4L in action, highlighting its impressive features and applications.​ Key Features of the Formlabs 4L: Large Build Volume: The [...]


Color Mapping Fitting Deviation

By |2025-03-07T08:25:59-05:00March 7th, 2025|Categories: 3d Scanning & Reverse Engineering|Tags: , |

In each of the Control X GD&T commands, users have the ability to color map the Fitting Deviation. So when checking for Flatness, for example, along with being able to show the Min and Max deviations as we do in the examples below, users can actually color map those differences. Below we show that the flatness of this face is within its assigned Flatness tolerance of .002” as the Min and Max values are +/-.0008”. [...]


Freeform Plus – Redefining Patient Specific 3D Design | 2 Minute Tuesday

By |2025-02-25T09:22:41-05:00February 24th, 2025|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV|Tags: , , , |

Freeform Plus - Redefining Patient Specific 3D Design | 2 Minute Tuesday In this week's 2 Minute Tuesday, we take a look at Freeform Plus and how it can be used for patient specific 3D Design. Or watch and subscribe on YouTube ➤


Formlabs Fuse 1+: Setting Up Your Next Print with Ease | 2 Minute Tuesday

By |2025-02-17T18:06:45-05:00February 17th, 2025|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV|Tags: , , , |

  Formlabs Fuse 1+: Setting Up Your Next Print with Ease | 2 Minute Tuesday In this week's 2 Minute Tuesday, we explore how quickly we can set up a Formlabs Fuse 3D printer for its next run. Or watch and subscribe on YouTube ➤  


From an Engine Port to a Machinable Multi-Axis CNC Toolpath

By |2025-02-12T14:23:14-05:00February 12th, 2025|Categories: 3d Scanning & Reverse Engineering|Tags: , |

One of our customers was recently faced with the challenge of needing to machine a complex engine port shape without a CAD model, having a circular cross-section on one end, oval on the other and was bent 90 degrees Due to the bend, the port would also need to be machined, from both ends. Below is a cross section of a similar port with a porting cutter positioned to check the depth we could reach, [...]


What’s the Deal with Xact Metal Supports? | 2 Minute Tuesday

By |2025-02-17T11:52:55-05:00February 10th, 2025|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV|Tags: , , , |

What's the Deal with Xact Metal Supports? | 2 Minute Tuesday In this week's 2 Minute Tuesday, we demystify the metal supports used on Xact Metal 3D printers. Or watch and subscribe on YouTube ➤  


3D Printing Applications for Defense Industries

By |2025-02-12T14:22:24-05:00February 7th, 2025|Categories: 3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Defense, Ultimaker|

This whitepaper by UltiMaker explores how 3D printing is revolutionizing defense operations by enabling rapid, cost-effective production of critical components, tools, and replacement parts. Through collaboration with armed forces, the paper highlights real-world applications where additive manufacturing improves operational readiness, reduces downtime, and cuts costs. Key Applications: FRISC Antenna Fixture – Replacing corroding aluminum parts with glass-fiber-reinforced nylon, ensuring durability in harsh naval conditions. Cost Savings: 84% Production Time Reduction: From 6 weeks to [...]

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