Innovative CAD Series

5 11, 2018

Leverage and Import Organic Shapes into CAD (Pt. 2)

By |2018-11-05T17:30:55-05:00November 5th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV, Innovative CAD Series, SolidWorks 2MT|0 Comments   In part 2 of Leverage and Import Organic Shapes into CAD we dive deeper and explain the process of capturing organic shapes, processing the data, and converting it into a fully editable CAD file. You can watch part 1 here.

25 09, 2018

Leverage and Import Organic Shapes into CAD (Pt. 1)

By |2018-09-25T08:31:12-04:00September 25th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV, Innovative CAD Series, SolidWorks 2MT|0 Comments   Being able to leverage and import organic shapes into CAD means that the creative design ideas that you can produce are limitless. 3D Scanning is what creates the bridge between those two worlds. Photos used credited to: MDCI Perfumes: Joe Olsen and the ErgoJoystick: Star Wars ANOVOS Helmet:

16 07, 2018

Onshape Branching and Versioning

By |2018-07-16T11:08:38-04:00July 16th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV, Innovative CAD Series, SolidWorks 2MT|0 Comments   With this feature in Onshape, various team members can branch off to a separate workspace and contribute to a design. The result is multiple versions of a design, which can be compared or merged without compromising the original concept.

26 03, 2018

Onshape – True Cloud Based CAD

By |2018-03-26T22:36:09-04:00March 26th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV, Innovative CAD Series, SolidWorks 2MT|4 Comments   Onshape offers you full access to CAD...anytime...from anywhere! Being truly cloud-based, there are no software administration headaches, you can log in from any device, and you don't have to worry about software crashes or losing work.

19 02, 2018

Importing STL Files – SolidWorks 2018

By |2018-02-19T19:07:13-05:00February 19th, 2018|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV, Innovative CAD Series, SolidWorks 2MT|0 Comments   SolidWorks 2018 allows you to leverage the STL format file when importing STL files by converting the STL mesh to a BREP solid or surface. This gives you the functionality needed to make modifications, and create tooling right from your STL!

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