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2 Minute Tuesdays

28 11, 2022

My Mastercam – Mastercam 2023

By |2022-11-28T12:29:31-05:00November 28th, 2022|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, CQTV, Mastercam 2023, Mastercam 2023 Video, Mastercam Video Series|Tags: |0 Comments

  My Mastercam - Mastercam 2023 In this week's 2 Minute Tuesday, we will take a look at how to locate valuable and free posts, tool libraries, and update patches for your current version of Mastercam as well as the latest information from the manufacturing industry.

1 11, 2022

Tuccamirgan’s Pipe of Peace: Scanned and 3D Printed

By |2022-11-01T07:27:12-04:00November 1st, 2022|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, 3D Scanning, 3d Scanning & Reverse Engineering, CQTV|0 Comments

Tuccamirgan's Pipe of Peace: Scanned and 3D Printed In this week’s 2 Minute Tuesday, we will take a look at how 3D Scanning, Scan Processing, and 3D Printing technology can be used to intricately recreate important artifacts. In this case, we were granted the privilege of recreating Chief Tuccamirgan of the Wickcheoche tribe’s peace pipe that was provided by the Hunterdon County Historical Society.

10 10, 2022

Solidworks & Control X — Product Manufacturing Information (PMI)

By |2022-10-10T11:57:20-04:00October 10th, 2022|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, 3D Scanning, 3d Scanning & Reverse Engineering, CQTV|0 Comments

  Solidworks & Control X — Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) In this week's 2 Minute Tuesday, we will examine how a Product Manufacturing Information (or PMI) model, generated in Solidworks, may be used to automate the inspection process in Control X. PMI is a fairly new tool that enables manufacturing information to remain with CAD models through downstream applications.

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