Desktop Metal released a great lineup of 3D printers last year and we will recap some of those exciting new machines in weekly blog posts this month. Many of these new printers will also be showcased in our upcoming 3D Printing Online Seminar Series which will happen over the next couple of months. Please stay tuned for more details on that and in the meantime let’s take a look at one of the new releases from Desktop Metal.

Studio System™ Desktop Metal Studio System™

Three new materials were released: 17-4PH stainless steel v.2, Ti-6Al-4V v.1, and D2 tool steel v.2!

With the release of the Studio System™ 2 upgrade, you can skip the debind step and go straight from printing to sintering for the v.2 material system.

To enable these new materials, we developed the High Purity Retort to improve the purity of the sintering environment as well as minimize the need for sintering getters.

We didn’t just stop there. 2021 also saw the release of the PF1 Furnace, which contained many upgrades to not only increase reliability but also improve the ease of use and service.

Together with updates to Fabricate® Cloud and Local, we’re excited to continue expanding the applications of the Studio System™. Keep an eye out for new materials in 2022!

For more information on the Desktop Metal Studio System, please click below.