In the Mastercam 2018 release, there have been many system enhancements that can be seen throughout the entire Mastercam Family of Products. If you are using Mastercam 2018, it’s good a good reminder and if you’re not yet using Mastercam 2018, here’s what you are missing.
Analyze Toolpath – Now includes XYZ location data corresponding to the mouse location at the start or end of the toolpath segment. This is in addition to the feed and speed data that is shown between the start and end of the segment. And, Analyze Distance Along Curve allows you to find the distance along a line, arc, or spline edge without having to trim or break it first.
Command Finder – Searches for and opens Mastercam functions. It opens as a floating window that can be repositioned and remains on-screen until you close it. Enter a word in the Command Finder and Mastercam returns a list of possible matches that include a short description of the function.
Endpoint Display – Has been enhanced, now displaying as solid white circles with a black outline to provide contrast with different geometry and background colors.
Probe Operations – Are now associated to their selected geometry. As with other operations in Mastercam, when you move or modify the geometry used in the Probe operation and regenerate, the operation will update with the new geometry. You no longer need to recreate the Probe operation.
Mastercam Simulator – You can now create bookmarks that refer back to various points during Verify, Backplot, or Simulation. The bookmarks are then displayed on the playback bar. Simply select any bookmark icon to display the part as it is at the moment. You can now create a presentation from Mastercam Simulator. Saving a presentation lets you preserve your settings and layout of your Simulator session and can be used to show a simulation on any computer, even if it does not have Mastercam.
Planes Manager – You can now drag and drop a supported file onto the Planes Manager to import the file’s planes. And, two new standard planes, Iso Reverse and Trimetric, have been added to the Planes Manager.
System Configuration Enhancements – You can set a default file type to be used when opening a file. You can also set a default color for the selection window on the Colors page. Mastercam 2018 has been updated to the Parasolids 29.1 kernel, the latest Parasolids kernel. This allows for compatibility with other CAD modelers, new features and capabilities, and more.
Work Offsets – When you update a plane’s work offset, there is now an indication of how many operations are affected by the change. After selecting
an update option, the right side of the dialog box shows which planes will be updated. You can select different update options and see which operations
will be affected before committing the change.
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