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Blog with 2 Columns2017-12-20T08:55:50-05:00

Special Offer from Rize and SOLIDWORKS

Accelerate Innovation with Unified Design and 3D Printing RIZE and Dassault Systèmes recently made three key announcements: RIZE Receives Frost & Sullivan Award for Best Practices in Technology Innovation for Zero-Emissions Polymer Additive Manufacturing RIZE Announces $15M in Series B Funding from Innospark Ventures, Sparta Group LLC, Converge and Dassault Systèmes RIZE Announces Strategic Partnership with Dassault Systèmes to Drive Sustainable Innovation and Faster Time to Market SOLIDWORKS is the world leader in driving innovation. Design for Additive Manufacturing requires a rich set of applications from generative methodologies, material science and advanced simulation available in the SOLIDWORKS portfolio. RIZE solutions integrated with SOLIDWORKS will accelerate product innovation for design, manufacturing, tooling and service. RIZE 3D printers, including XRIZETM that lets you print functional full-color and carbon fiber parts, enables engineers to produce intelligent parts for design, manufacturing and service. RIZE provides a safe and easy additive manufacturing experience that will accelerate innovation among all users in offices, factories, schools and distribution environments. RIZE parts provide digitally connected and augmented experiences for traceability, built-in trust and IP controls. With zero harmful emissions, using only safe, recyclable materials and with minimal pre- and post-processing. SPECIAL OFFER Effective February 11, 2019, every RIZE 3D printer purchase [...]

By |March 8th, 2019|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Rize, SOLIDWORKS|

Desktop Metal Introduces 316L Stainless Steel

Desktop Metal recently added 316L stainless steel to their list of printable metals on the Studio System. Characterized by its corrosion resistance and performance at both high and low temperatures, 316L is a fully austenitic stainless steel ideal for harsh environments. Expert metallurgy is at the core of the Studio System, which was built to simplify even the most challenging aspects of metal fabrication—including easy material changes in under a minute. The introduction of 316L creates new opportunities for designers and engineers to prototype and produce parts for particularly demanding environments such as marine applications, chemical processing, and medical devices. About the Material 316L is a molybdenum-bearing, fully-austenitic stainless steel. It’s known for its excellent corrosion resistance—for example, it's resistance to pitting corrosion—and mechanical properties at both high and low temperatures. 316L is a common material used in a wide variety of applications, including: Chemical and petrochemical processing Food processing Laboratory equipment Medical devices Marine Jewelry Power generation Petroleum refining Water treatment Pulp and paper manufacturing Download the Data Sheet

By |March 6th, 2019|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Desktop Metal, Materials|

Leverage and Import Organic Shapes into CAD Series   Being able to leverage and import organic shapes into CAD means that the creative design ideas that you can produce are limitless. 3D Scanning is what creates the bridge between those two worlds. Photos used credited to: MDCI Perfumes: Joe Olsen and the ErgoJoystick: Star Wars ANOVOS Helmet: Leverage and Import Organic Shapes into CAD - Part 2   In part 2 of Leverage and Import Organic Shapes into CAD we dive deeper and explain the process of capturing organic shapes, processing the data, and converting it into a fully editable CAD file.

By |March 5th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Adding Wireframe to STL Files in Mastercam 2019

  There is a new enhancement in Mastercam 2019 for wireframe and curves functions when using STL files. In previous versions it was not possible to create wireframe geometry from STL files so their utility for toolpaths was limited. Now in Mastercam 2019, edges and vertices are recognizable snap locations for creating wireframe geometry.   In the example above, we have three models displayed on the screen. We can analyze each to see their properties. The first is a surface model, the next a watertight solid, and the last is an STL mesh. If you turn off the shading you can clearly see the difference between the surfaces and their rendered UV curvature, the solid with its discreet edges, and the mesh entity and its polygon triangles. Curves can be snapped on the solid either by picking its discreet edges or snapping between endpoints of edges. If you place curves on the edges of the surface model, you can then achieve similar performance. The edges of the STL highlight when you call the curve one edge command. Any highlighted edge will accept a simple one-click snap. If you try a different command such as line or arc creation, this new snap symbol here [...]

By |March 4th, 2019|Mastercam, Tech Tips|

AMUG Reveals Recipients of its 3D Printing Scholarships

The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) has revealed the recipients of its 3D printing scholarships. According to Brett Charlton, chair of the AMUG Scholarship Committee, these scholarships recognize a passion for additive manufacturing through a student and an educator. “Dr. Zhou and Ms. Sears perfectly reflect what our scholarships seek to reward,” stated Charlton. Victoria Sears, a student at the University of Michigan (UM) pursuing a master’s degree in bioengineering. Photo via AMUG. Among the scholarships awarded was The Guy E. Bourdeau Scholarship is supported by Cimquest. This scholarship has been gifted to Victoria Sears, a student at the University of Michigan (UM) pursuing a master’s degree in bioengineering. The Guy E. Bourdeau Scholarship is also allocated annually, however, it is given to a college student for their contribution in additive manufacturing in education and professional development. Sears’ research is based on bioinks for additive manufacturing, with an aim of optimizing its bioprintability and regenerative properties. This research stemmed from Sears’ time working in as an intern 3D Systems and Ford Motor Company. During this time, Sears learned to compound her own filaments as well as post-processing techniques to improve color and surface finish of powder-bed-fusion parts. “The scholarship will not [...]

By |March 1st, 2019|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, News / Promos|
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