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Blog with 2 Columns2017-12-20T08:55:50-05:00

Mastercam 2D vs 3D Machining

If you were to ask what the difference is between 2D and 3D machining, you’d likely get the stock reply of “2D machining works in two axes, and 3D works in three.” It’s an accurate answer, but not much else. So, what does that really mean and when should you use one or the other? Continue reading to learn more about 2D and 3D machining. What is the difference between 2D and 3D? We’ve established that 2D machining uses two axes while 3D uses three. The Ds in these terms refer to “dimensions”. That means that a 2D part is cut by a tool that is fixed at a certain height, but can move front-to-back and side-to-side – these are the two axes that give it the 2D classification. It also applies to drilling, in which the user positions the static tool on the X- and Y-axes while the Z-axis moves up and down. Imagine a wooden block onto which someone’s name will be engraved. This is a perfect application for 2D milling, as the name itself will be all one level along the top. In 3D milling, the tool can also move up-and-down, which makes the total axes three. The tool can [...]

By |August 28th, 2023|Mastercam|

Reverse Engineering for CAM Applications- Webinar on Demand

A MIM-Based Approach to Metal 3D Printing from Entry to Production: Session 3 – DSH TechnologiesReplayed from a live webinar held on June 6, 2023 From Scan-to-NC: Reverse Engineering for CAM Applications

By |August 25th, 2023|3D Scanning & RE Webinar, Webinar On Demand|

Desktop Metal Shop System Breakthrough Performance

The world’s first metal binder jetting system designed for machine shops, the Desktop Metal Shop System is capable of printing complex metal parts with the benefits that standards machine shops expect: unparalleled productivity with superior print quality while maintaining high levels of accessibility throughout the entire process. In addition to unlocking process and product innovations, the binder jetting technology at the heart of the Shop System is capable of delivering reliable high performance that meets the demands of a modern machine shop. With the ability to produce high-quality, fully-dense, near-net shape parts right out of the furnace, the Shop System’s high throughput and flexibility make it an excellent manufacturing choice for low-, medium-, and high-volume end-use applications. Unparalleled productivity The Shop System’s innovative single-pass print engine allows for rapid production of metal parts. Because the print bar spans the entire width of the print bed, entire layers of multiple parts can be printed in just a few seconds. That printing speed - up to 10x faster than laser powder bed fusion systems - allows the Shop System to print an entire build volume in a single 6 to 12-hour shift, depending on the height of the build. Build times are flexible and determined [...]

By |August 25th, 2023|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Desktop Metal|

Choosing the Right 3D Printing Carbon Fiber Composite

Composites are a category of materials that encompass a large number of different properties and use cases. And even within carbon fiber composites, you can get vastly different results depending on the specific material you choose. In this article, we will take a look at the different UltiMaker carbon fiber composites available and help you decide which one is best for your needs. First, let’s look at which characteristics all the UltiMaker carbon fiber materials share. The pros and cons of 3D printing with carbon fiber Carbon fiber has long been a popular material due to its high strength-to-weight ratio. As a result, it is often used in high-performance (and high-cost) applications such as aerospace, automotive, and sports equipment. However, pure carbon fiber is a difficult material to work with and therefore expensive. Enter carbon fiber-reinforced composites. Made by adding chopped-up carbon fibers to a polymer, you can maintain many of the benefits of carbon fiber, while also inheriting the beneficial properties of the material it is combined with. This process works similarly to combining two metals to make an alloy. Carbon fiber composites as a category are useful for many reasons but the most notable is that it makes it possible to [...]

By |August 23rd, 2023|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Ultimaker|

How to Use the Mastercam Launcher

Let’s take a look at how the Mastercam Launcher can make the distribution of Mastercam seats simple and easy for customers with NetHASP and Networkable software licenses. Prior to the use of the Mastercam Launcher, the first user to check out a license would receive the most advanced options available. Even if this user did not need those resources, they were inaccessible for other users until the user who checked them out closed the software. This was a nuisance for those who shared seats with other users. Now, users can create desktop links that will only allow them to access the desired license, thereby ensuring that any unneeded resources remain available to other users. To create a desktop icon link, navigate to your Windows Start menu. Scroll down until you see your version of Mastercam. Expand the folder and select the Mastercam Launcher. Next, from the Launcher dialog, select the desired Mastercam platform option and any desired add-ons. Select the correct license type, and in the settings, decide whether you would like to start your next session of Mastercam using your existing desktop icon or if you would like to create another shortcut that uses these settings. Finally, after you have selected the [...]

By |August 21st, 2023|Mastercam|

3D Printing Produces Face Masks for Treating Severely Burned Children

There are few things more tragic in life than children suffering severe trauma — but when an accident does happen, Romans Ferrari is one of the best places for recovery. Located close to Lyon in France, Romans Ferrari is a pediatric rehabilitation center that provides care to children and adolescents who have had trauma, brain damage, brain tumors, polytrauma, and severe burns. The center has immense experience providing treatment for severe facial burns, which includes specialized compressive masks that reduce the risk of complications and scarring. However, the traditional way to produce these masks involved an uncomfortable workflow that could induce post-traumatic stress disorder in children. Read on to learn how Romans Ferrari developed a new digital workflow for creating custom compressive masks for treating facial burns using 3D scanning and 3D printing, thanks to a multi-team collaboration among doctors, prosthetists, and engineers. How Severe Burns Are Treated Romans Ferrari accepts children and adolescents from across France who get referred to them by various hospitals after the initial (life-saving, ICU) treatments. The first step is to welcome the patient as soon as possible from a medical standpoint to avoid scarring complications from forming, such as scar contractures and hypertrophic scars, which mean volume [...]

By |August 16th, 2023|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, FormLabs|
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