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Blog with 2 Columns2017-12-20T08:55:50-05:00

HP 3D Material Spotlight: Polypropylene

HP 3D Material Spotlight: Polypropylene Watch this on demand video of how HP is opening up more possibilities for manufacturers with the use of polypropylene.

By |June 25th, 2020|3D Printing Webinar, Webinar On Demand|

Mastercam Solid Sweep Top Six Features

Recent releases of Mastercam have implemented some big improvements to the Sweep function within the Solid Modeling function. Prior to these releases, Sweep operations required a fillet between entities on the Along curve when there was a change in direction of more than 5 degrees. Sweep is ideal for cylindrical-shaped parts. Fixtures, propeller blades, door handles, wheel spokes, exhaust pipes, and engine ports are some examples. We want to make sure you are taking advantage of the newfound flexibility, efficiency, and control when creating models with curves and rounded profiles. Here is a list of 6 top improvements: 1. The profile geometry easily runs along sharp corners. As the swept body travels around the sharp angle, Sweep automatically miters the sharp corners and handles the profile’s fillet, allowing the creation of radii on the swept model. You can control the shape simply by adding a solid fillet to the corner. 2. Additionally, solid sweeps can now be created from 3D Along curves. 3D curves with sharp corners and fillets are fully supported in Mastercam. Solid Sweep also includes new options to control the alignment between a profile and the Along chains. The Normal option maintains the original angle relationship between the profile and [...]

By |June 22nd, 2020|Mastercam, Tech Tips|

Mastercam 2021-Update Rollout Meeting Webinar

Mastercam 2021-Update Rollout Meeting Webinar Cimquest held 5 online Mastercam 2021-Update Rollout Meeting Webinars since the release of Mastercam 2021. View the webinar on demand here, along with the combined Q&A sessions.

By |June 19th, 2020|mastercam webinar, Webinar On Demand|

Batch Processing in Control X

With Control X, you can prepare an inspection routine to process a single scan or point cloud against a nominal CAD model and create whatever inspection criteria you require, including; Color Maps, Whisker Plots, 2D and 3D Dimensions, GD&T callouts, Feature Deviation Comparisons, as well as date and time-stamped inspection reports. In addition, the 3D inspection criteria consisting of datums, dimensions with tolerances and GD&T can automatically import into Control X from your CAD software as PMI or Product Manufacturing Information. PMI enables the seamless transfer of dimensional information from CAD into Control X and then the dimensions get automatically evaluated once the scan is aligned to the CAD model. But what happens when you have 10 or 100 or even 1,000 parts to inspect? Would you need to run through the process that many times? Batch Processing in Control X takes care of that. It enables you to setup a set of conditions and then run the exact same process numerous times. So, if there are 1,000 parts to be inspected, there would be 1,000 scans. They could reside in the same or different folders and you would proceed with the following process. First, have the initial file open. That being the [...]

By |June 19th, 2020|3D Scanning, Tech Tips|

Nexa3D Utilizes Loctite 3D Printing Material to Produce Face Shields for Thousands of Front Line Workers

Background Today, under normal circumstances, face shields are used by millions of people. In addition to medical workers, they are utilized by dental providers, veterinarians, laboratory workers, emergency medical technicians, police, firefighters, and cleaning crews who deal with spills and contaminated waste. With the onset of the pandemic, they are also being worn by workers at utilities, logistics, retail, and other essential businesses. Face masks have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of inhalation and other forms of contact with infectious pathogens. In fact, several studies have shown them to reduce specific types of viral exposure by 68% to as much as 96%. Further, they are typically more comfortable to wear and reduce the risk of autoinoculation by preventing the user from touching their face. Traditional manufacturers of face shields include companies like Honeywell, 3M, and Medline Industries. They are typically sold to hospitals and health care providers by medical providers. In the face of the pandemic however, others have leaned in and are now producing face masks. Some of the more notable companies include Apple, Nike, SpaceX, Ford, and Amazon. Technician wearing 3D printed face mask. The Challenge Technician wearing 3D printed face mask.Since the onset of the COVID [...]

By |June 17th, 2020|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Nexa3D|

Explore Machine Simulation

To combat the restlessness many of us are feeling right now, Strategic Technical Specialist Karlo Apro recommends keeping busy. “Most of us are stuck at home right now, but on the other side of this pandemic, shops will be busier than ever. We will all be trying to make up for lost time. It would be smart to use this downtime to ‘sharpen our tools’, including our brain, by taking another look at something that we may have overlooked in the past,” suggested Apro. Makino A81 5-Axis Apro invites Mastercam users to explore their simulation toolbox during this time, something that often gets overlooked. “CNC programmers are notoriously pressed for time. As a result, we don’t often stop to consider what a valuable programming tool simulation is. It can help you experiment with different manufacturing strategies toward the most efficient process.” Simulation is not only for finding errors in the code. This is a tool to make clean, efficient, and accurate programs every time. With simulation, different approaches and different cutting techniques can be tested on different machines, all without leaving your computer. “And there is no need to tie down a machine for prove-outs,” said Apro. “Nobody likes to see [...]

By |June 15th, 2020|Mastercam|
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