
14 12, 2023

Vendor Spotlight: Xact Metal

By |2023-12-14T10:43:04-05:00December 14th, 2023|Categories: 3D Printing Webinar, Webinar On Demand, XactMetal|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Vendor Spotlight: Xact Metal Cimquest visits their vendor, Xact Metal, to discover how their 3D printers are made, meet the team, and learn about the company's inner workings.

20 11, 2023

Maintaining, Prepping, and Using Xact Metal’s 3D Printers

By |2023-11-20T12:02:03-05:00November 20th, 2023|Categories: 2 Minute Tuesdays, 3D Printing / Additive Mfg, CQTV, XactMetal|0 Comments

/code> Maintaining, Prepping, and Using Xact Metal's 3D Printers Join us at Xact Metal's headquarters as Erik shows us the operating procedure for the XM200G metal 3D printer.

8 11, 2023

Xact Metal 3D Printing Distillery Event – Metal & Mash

By |2023-11-08T08:30:54-05:00November 8th, 2023|Categories: 3D Printing / Additive Mfg, XactMetal|0 Comments

Please Join Us for a Special Xact Metal 3D Printing Distillery Event We are thrilled to extend an exclusive invitation to you for an extraordinary Xact Metal 3D printing distillery event that promises to blend the worlds of innovation, craftsmanship, and the art of distillation like never before. Event Details: Event Name: Metal & Mash: Xact Distillery Affair Date: November 16th, 2023 Time: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Location: Virago Spirits Distillery, Richmond, VA At [...]

15 09, 2023

Xact Metal 3D Printing Case Study – Alternative to Casting

By |2023-09-08T08:48:56-04:00September 15th, 2023|Categories: 3D Printing / Additive Mfg, XactMetal|0 Comments

The Customer KSK Precise Motion, an engineering company from Kurim, Czechia, has been producing and distributing ball screws, among other precision components, around the world for 50 years. With 120 employees involved in the production of ball screws, which are used in a wide range of industrial areas, such as machine tools and injection molding machines, as well as in the automation and energy sectors, KSK Precise Motion is a globally sought-after partner for machine [...]

7 06, 2023

How to Remove Xact Metal DMLS Supports

By |2023-06-07T09:01:16-04:00June 7th, 2023|Categories: Tech Tips, XactMetal|0 Comments

This blog post will cover how to remove Xact Metal Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) supports from completed 3P-printed parts. It will explain the process of safely and effectively separating supports from the build plate, removing supports from your metal 3D-printed part, and cleaning up support touchpoints. You will first need to have the necessary tools ready, including a cutting tool such as a bandsaw or hacksaw to separate the part from the build plate [...]

1 02, 2023

Xact Metal XM200C Demo 3D Printer For Sale

By |2023-02-01T08:31:27-05:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: 3D Printing / Additive Mfg, XactMetal|0 Comments

In an effort to keep our 3DP demo equipment updated with the latest cutting-edge technology, we are going to sell our Xact Metal XM200C to make room for an XM200G. The printer will be discounted by 20%. It will also include a year of extended warranty as if it was sold new. All-in for this unit should be less than $117k assuming standard configuration. This represents over $19k in savings compared to the new pricing! If [...]

30 09, 2022

Xact Metal New XM300G Mid-Size Affordable High Performance Metal Printers

By |2022-09-30T08:11:48-04:00September 30th, 2022|Categories: 3D Printing / Additive Mfg, XactMetal|0 Comments

Aiming to bring affordable metal 3D printing to small- to medium-sized companies and decentralize metal 3D printing, Xact Metal™ recently announced the launch of the XM300G series of affordable mid-size metal 3D printers. “With pricing beginning at a US MSRP of $200,000 dollars, the XM300G series is ideal for printing high quantities or large parts where print speed is critical,” said Juan Mario Gomez, CEO of Xact Metal. “Based on the XM200G multi-laser printer platform, [...]

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