Xpand3D is excited to announce our first keynote speaker: Ric Fulop, CEO and Co-Founder of Desktop Metal.
Ric Fulop is the CEO and co-founder of Desktop Metal, a company committed to accelerating the transformation of manufacturing with end-to-end metal 3D printing solutions. Founded in 2015 by leaders in advanced manufacturing, materials science, and robotics, the company is addressing the unmet challenges of speed, cost, and quality to make metal 3D printing an essential tool for engineers and manufacturers around the world. Stay tuned to future newsletters for the exact schedule of speakers and presentations.
Early Bird registration is now open for Xpand3D. This upcoming event will cover all aspects of the 3D printing, design and manufacturing industries – all in one place, over the course of three days.
Mark your calendars and SAVE THE DATE
October 15 – 17, 2019
Where Manufacturing Happens
Click the button below for more details and to register for this event. For exhibitor or sponsorship info, please contact Emily Moore at emoore@cimquest-inc.com.
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