MakerBot is an influential brand in the 3D Printing industry, acknowledged by many as a standard in consumer desktop printers and with the release of the Replicator +, they have descended deeper into the prosumer market through a highly refined printing platform. This platform can be used in product development, providing convenient access to prototypes and concept models early on in the design process. In this article, we will discuss some of the new features of this machine.
The Replicator+ has a similar design to its predecessor and includes the standard features of LCD display, on-board camera to remotely monitor prints, USB, wifi, and Ethernet connectivity. However, the build plate has been redesigned, featuring the new Grip Surface allowing for better part adherence and a reduction in warping.
Prints are also easier to remove with the bendable Flex Build Plate and the machine is much quieter than the last release.
Where the Replicator + really excels is in its speed and build volume. The Replicator + prints 30% faster than the original and offers a 25% larger build volume. It is also more reliable due to its redesigned gantry and z-stage. This boost in speed is made possible by the Smart Extruder +.
All printers in the Plus Series ship with the new Smart Extruder +, an improved extruder which has greater print success over a longer period of time. Backed by rigorous testing, its enhanced components deliver consistent performance through features like filament and jam detection and leveling sensors for reliable build plate leveling. MakerBot is the only brand to offer an easily swappable extruder, which reduces downtime through faster replacement of worn extruders.
The Replicator + pairs with the powerful MakerBot Print software. With MakerBot Print you can import Native CAD parts and assemblies, auto-arrange them during the setup, and then send them to print on one or more printers. The Replicator + is also cloud-enabled allowing you to remotely print with the MakerBot Mobile app and check up on ongoing jobs.
As you can see, the MakerBot Replicator Plus offers a new level of intuitive control that can benefit both enthusiasts and professionals alike. Its improvement in speed, reliability, and accessibility make it a valuable addition to any engineer’s workstation, providing a means to create quality models and prototypes.
Please click the button below for more information on our line of Makerbot 3D Printers.
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