As we enter into 2022 there is one thing we know for sure . . . Things all around us are changing extremely quickly. And if you and your machine shop are not changing at the same rate then your business can be in serious jeopardy.
For our many customers who specialize in the production of metal parts and/or plastic parts; production 3D Printing (aka, Additive Manufacturing) is here and being adopted quickly.
If you are not gaining knowledge and first-hand experience in Additive then you risk losing business to your competitors.
According to Grand View Research, the global metal 3D printing market size was valued at USD 3.15 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.9% from 2021 to 2028. As such, Metal 3D printing is slated to be the fastest-growing segment of Additive Manufacturing and traditional manufacturers should be paying attention to this. Those shops who understand and have expertise in both traditional fabrication processes such as (CNC / Molding) as well as Additive will have a leg up on everyone.
Last year Metal 3D Printers become Cimquest’s fastest-growing segment. As we continue our journey into the adoption of production Metal and Plastic Additive Manufacturing, we hope you come along and let us help guide your success in this compelling technological advancement.
Please stay tuned for our upcoming 3D Metal Printing Informational Series starting next month. We are planning to host some deep-dive webinars into the latest 3D Metal Printing technologies. Click the link below if you want to hear more about this upcoming event.
Get on the list to receive details on the Cimquest Metal 3D Printing Event Series. Just click the button below to send us an email.
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