Design verification prototype of medical device tubing 3D printed in PolyJet Agilus30 material.
Stratasys just launched two new materials for 3D printing and rapid prototyping customers. Agilus30 is a flexible PolyJet material family (available in black and translucent colors), providing enhanced tear resistance and superior rubber-like quality. It’s ideal for product design verification and even some functional performance tests.
At the other end of the prototyping spectrum, there is the new FDM Nylon 12CF material. This is the first carbon fiber-filled FDM material, providing a very high tensile strength and unprecedented stiffness-to-weight ratio. This 3D printed composite material is ideal for advanced RP functional performance testing – with the ability to replace metal prototypes or molded carbon-fiber prototypes – as well as being ideal for manufacturing-floor jigs, fixtures, tooling and end-use parts.
Functional prototype of an automotive brake pedal and jig assembly 3D printed in FDM Nylon 12CF material.
The combination of both new materials significantly expands the range of properties and performance customers can choose from when prototyping, tooling and manufacturing parts and products. The Stratasys 3D printing revolution just took another big step forward today. And there’re only just getting started!
Watch the video below to learn more.
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