You may have attended the recent Xpand3D event and learned all about how the latest manufacturing products can greatly improve your business. But even after practical benefits have been proven, the approval of larger purchases can still sometimes be difficult due to the big price tag. We understand this issue and would like to inform you of an available option to reduce your costs and help make your new technology purchase a reality.

Under Section 179, businesses are able to deduct upwards of $1 million on purchase costs of a maximum of $2.5 million, for equipment purchased and delivered no later than December 31st, 2019. Section 179 is aimed specifically at general business equipment, including HP and Desktop Metal.

Curious how much you can save with Section 179 on your own purchase?

View the 2019 Section 179 Tax Deduction Calculator via the link below to get an estimated lowered cost of equipment based on your tax bracket. Additional information can be found at

This deduction is easy to receive and can greatly help your bottom line by lowering the amount you pay, all you need to do is buy (or finance/lease) the equipment, and use a special IRS form to submit. Keep in mind, since this is not a direct discount on the cost of your equipment, it can be paired with other promotional pricing.

Don’t miss this opportunity

Take advantage of this “use-it-or-lose-it” tax write off today. Start by clicking the button below.