The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) has revealed the recipients of its 3D printing scholarships. According to Brett Charlton, chair of the AMUG Scholarship Committee, these scholarships recognize a passion for additive manufacturing through a student and an educator. “Dr. Zhou and Ms. Sears perfectly reflect what our scholarships seek to reward,” stated Charlton.
Victoria Sears, a student at the University of Michigan (UM) pursuing a master’s degree in bioengineering. Photo via AMUG.
Among the scholarships awarded was The Guy E. Bourdeau Scholarship is supported by Cimquest. This scholarship has been gifted to Victoria Sears, a student at the University of Michigan (UM) pursuing a master’s degree in bioengineering. The Guy E. Bourdeau Scholarship is also allocated annually, however, it is given to a college student for their contribution in additive manufacturing in education and professional development.
Sears’ research is based on bioinks for additive manufacturing, with an aim of optimizing its bioprintability and regenerative properties. This research stemmed from Sears’ time working in as an intern 3D Systems and Ford Motor Company. During this time, Sears learned to compound her own filaments as well as post-processing techniques to improve color and surface finish of powder-bed-fusion parts.
“The scholarship will not only allow me to make strong connections with those involved in the industry, but it will also greatly expand my knowledge on the latest technologies to prepare me for a future where I will be in the forefront in actively coalescing additive manufacturing and the medical field,” added Sears.
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