Desktop Metal BMD
Desktop Metal BMD In this week’s 2 Minute Tuesday, we delve into the technology that Desktop Metal’s Studio System uses to 3D print metal parts, Bound Metal Deposition (BMD).
Desktop Metal BMD In this week’s 2 Minute Tuesday, we delve into the technology that Desktop Metal’s Studio System uses to 3D print metal parts, Bound Metal Deposition (BMD).
There are many different measurement functions that can be used in Control X Professional. This post will explain what they are and how to use them. We will use the airfoil example above to illustrate the various Control X measure functions available. In the menu below you will find a list of the measurement tools that are available within Control X. These all apply to just the MEAsured data. The Measure Distance function allows you [...]
In this week's 2 Minute Tuesday, we take a look at SHINING 3D's FreeScan Trak, a 3D scanning system that is used to obtain complete and accurate 3D data of medium and large objects by capturing the spatial position of the scanner head in real time with an optical tracker.
Mastercam CAD/CAM software is a self-contained, fully capable NC-coding program for manufacturing applications. Within its main solution products, like Mill and Lathe, most users can program any part that comes across their desk. In some cases, however, processes can be streamlined or precision boosted with outside help. That’s where Mastercam Add-Ons come into play. Mastercam Add-Ons are software extensions that deliver additional Mastercam functions. Each has its own specialized function and is designed to help [...]
Vendor Spotlight: Xact Metal Cimquest visits their vendor, Xact Metal, to discover how their 3D printers are made, meet the team, and learn about the company's inner workings.
BASF Forward AM is deeply committed to sustainability. They are continuously working to reduce the environmental impact of their materials as well as their use of Earth’s precious resources. To both accelerate and justify their efforts, they recently conducted a detailed SEEbalance assessment for 3D printing technologies. Over the past several months they have evaluated the results and are now incorporating them to make their Ultrafuse® products even more sustainable. Whether it is powder bed [...]
Xact Metal XM200G Overview In this week's extended 2 Minute Tuesday, we join Xact Metal's Eli Terry as he provides a comprehensive overview of the XM200G 3D printer.
In most cases – and especially when a customer has provided only a description or 2D drawing of a part – the first step in the machining process is to build a digital model of the desired part. This model will be a precise, virtual 3D representation of the part’s dimensions, planes, and contours. In CAD (computer-aided design) programming, there are three main types of models: wireframe, surface, and solid. Each has its own strengths [...]