Cimquest Class Descriptions and Prerequisites

“The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not train them and they stay”- Henry Ford

Geomagic Training

Learn the basics of Geomagic’s Design X, Contol X and Wrap in Cimquest’s state of the art classrooms.

Duration: 3 Days

Prerequisite: Understand and use Windows conventions. Understand basic scanning techniques and basic CAD modeling concepts

Description: This three-day instructor-led course covers the usage and concepts of 3DSystems Geomagic Design X. The user will learn how to interact with the application, edit point cloud data, generate and edit STL models and generate surface and solid bodies for downstream applications.

Geomagic Design X covers the following topics:

  • Intro and overview
  • User interface
  • Point fundamentals
  • Mesh fundamentals
  • Region Group Editing and Utilization
  • Aligning Scan Data
  • NURBS surface fitting
  • Parametric Surface and Solid Modeling
  • Exporting Data
  • Accuracy Analyzer

Duration: 2 Days

Prerequisite: Understand and use Windows conventions. Understand basic mechanical part inspection practices.

Description: This two-day instructor-led course is designed to help users evaluate the benefits of computer-aided inspection and how to succeed in developing automated inspection processes. The user will learn how to align scan data with CAD models, compare the scan data to the CAD models, perform additional 2D and 3D analysis, generate reports and automate this inspection process for repeatability.

Geomagic Control X training prepares students for the following topics:

  • Prepare the scan data for the inspection process
  • Perform alignment between the CAD model and the scan data
  • Evaluate scan data using 3D analysis tools, e.g. GD&T, Annotations
  • Perform 2D Analysis, e.g. Dimensioning
  • Generate an inspection report in various output formats
  • Reapply the initial inspection process on additional scan data

WrapDuration: 2 Days

Prerequisite: Understand and use Windows conventions. Understand basic scanning techniques and basic surfacing concepts

Description: This two-day instructor-led course covers the usage and concepts of 3DSystems Geomagic Wrap. The user will learn how to interact with the application, edit point cloud data, generate and edit STL models for downstream applications.

Geomagic Control X training prepares students for the following topics:

  • Processing of point cloud scan data
  • Processing of STL data
  • Create water-tight STL models for rapid prototyping
  • Export data for downstream applications