Curvature Continuous Edge Fillet – SolidWorks 2016

There is a new enhancement in SolidWorks 2016 that will allow you to define the edges of constant and variable fillets as curvature continuous. This option creates a smoother curvature between adjacent surfaces. Here’s an example of how it works . . .

The part shown above contains two surfaces that meet at a sharp edge. Select the edge, and go to Insert > Features > and select Fillet/Round.

In the property manager under Fillet Type, click Constant Size Fillet.

Curvature Continuous Edge Fillet – SolidWorks 2016
Next, under Items to Fillet, select both Tangent Propagation and Full Preview.

Curvature Continuous Edge Fillet – SolidWorks 2016
Under Fillet Parameters, select Symmetric in the drop down list and then set the radius to 40 mm.

Curvature Continuous Edge Fillet – SolidWorks 2016
Finally, under Profile select Curvature Continuous.

Curvature Continuous Edge Fillet – SolidWorks 2016
Save the changes and observe the smooth fillet that is tangent to both surfaces.

Curvature Continuous Edge Fillet – SolidWorks 2016

When creating edge fillets, this new option will allow you to easily make smooth fillets that are continuous to the adjacent body curvature.

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