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Blog with 2 Columns2017-12-20T08:55:50-05:00

Exploring the Mastercam Add-Ons? Part Two

In part one of this blog series, we discussed what Mastercam Add-Ons are (specialized aftermarket software kits that work within the Mastercam interface) and covered four of the most commonly used Add-Ons: Multiaxis, Productivity+, Port Expert, and Mastercam Art. This second blog in the series will cover five more popular Add-Ons and how to use them. 5-Axis Curve Machining This particular Add-On is considered a great starting point for entering into the multiaxis world. It pairs with almost any 5-axis machine and equips them with predefined, tested cutting approaches. 5-Axis Curve Machining’s hallmarks are logical tool motion, smooth transitions, and strong vector control. In a word, it is safe. This is essential where parts require more complex toolpaths and higher tool axis control: any multiaxis part. 5-Axis Curve Machining operates by optimizing how the tool engages with the stock material. This means that the toolpath is controlled and safe even as the tool travels over dynamic or complex curves. Parts machined with this Add-On will show superior surface finishes, and their cycle times will be greatly decreased. APlus While Mastercam’s focus is predominantly on subtractive machining – in which material is cut away to “reveal” the part – the Add-On Mastercam Aplus® by [...]

By |January 29th, 2024|Mastercam|

3D Printing Helps Preserve A Saber-Toothed Salmon

Reprint from OPB  A saber-toothed salmon, as depicted by artist Ray Troll. The mural is part of the University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History. - University of Oregon For years, museum conservators and paleontologists have yearned for a way to duplicate fragile fossils without damaging them. Now scientists with the University of Oregon say they have found a way to do just that, with the help of a relatively inexpensive 3D printer. They've starting by duplicating the skull of a particularly important fossil in their collection: a giant saber-toothed salmon fossil discovered near Madras, Ore. Nick Famoso, a PhD student at the university, is helping with the replication process. He says saber-toothed salmon, Oncorhynchus rastrosus, swam the oceans and rivers of the Northwest 5 to 7 million years ago. They were ancestors of sockeye salmon. “Put a big old gnarly tooth in the front jaw. Make it a lot bigger. That’s a saber-tooth salmon,“ he says. The salmon grew to be 6- to 12-feet long, on a vegetarian diet of plankton and filter food. The tooth, which grew as long as a human thumb, developed on spawning males. Famoso says the university holds what's known as a "type [...]

By |January 26th, 2024|3D Printing / Additive Mfg|

Icam Students Working with Kimya 3D Filaments

KIMYA X Icam Bretagne: the students from Icam – Ecole de Production are working with Kimya 3D filaments Since its establishment in 1898, Icam has been expanding in France and globally, while remaining rooted in its values: audacity, trust, freedom, responsibility, solidarity, and collective success. Its essential mission is to educate engineers who are free, aware, committed, and active in their lives. All programs at Icam are designed to develop these qualities, which are the common denominator among all students and alumni. The Icam Production School, based in Vannes, welcomes young people aged 14 to 18 who have not found their path in the traditional school system. They are invited to undergo a highly practical training to rekindle their desire to learn and earn a diploma: a CAP in Production Installation Management. Through a machine park consisting of about twenty 3D printers, laser cutters, and machining centers, they work daily to meet the needs of industrial clients. KIMYA Invests in the Education Sector The use of Kimya filaments addresses the specific technical needs of industries, aiming to integrate them into industrial projects carried out by students and future professionals of the Icam Production School in Brittany. “The choice of Kimya filaments was made [...]

By |January 24th, 2024|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, KIMYA|

Saving Your Mastercam Operations Libraries

Your shop’s intellectual labor is valuable. Protect it. By saving your best practices in a digital database, you streamline your production process and ensure that your hard work won’t be forgotten or lost. One of the best ways to do this is by employing your CAD/CAM software’s operations library. Mastercam’s Operations Library is a virtual catalog of your previously defined machining strategies: combinations of your toolpaths, tooling, and related parameters. Every strategy within the library is user-editable and applicable to new parts. Follow along to learn why and how to put your operations library to use. Shop Consistency Experimenting with different toolpaths and cutting approaches is critical during exploratory programming. It allows the user to see exactly which combination of tooling and toolpaths will remove material most efficiently. Once the final arrangement has been locked in, though, it is best to forego experimentation for consistency. When your shop has a predefined, successful plan of attack for a certain type of project, it should be saved to your operations library. From there, it can quickly be applied to future production runs of that part and even to the entire family of parts. All the parameters are there; the only tinkering the program should need [...]

By |January 22nd, 2024|Mastercam|

Advantages of Additive Manufacturing Repair

The manufacturing industry has witnessed a revolutionary transformation with the advent of additive manufacturing, which has introduced innovative production solutions. In the field of repairs, additive manufacturing, particularly with Wire-DED systems, presents numerous notable advantages compared to conventional repair methods. Cost-Effectiveness: Repairing parts using additive manufacturing can be highly cost-effective. Traditional repairs often involve manual processes which can be time-consuming and expensive. Moreover, DED systems, as Meltio’s technology, allow for precise repairs by adding material layer by layer, minimizing waste and reducing the need for additional tooling or extensive machining. This can result in substantial cost savings. Design flexibility: Additive manufacturing enables unprecedented design freedom. When repairing parts, traditional methods often require conforming to the original design, which may not be optimal for repair purposes. Additive manufacturing allows for the creation of customized designs tailored to address the repair requirements. This flexibility enables the repair of complex geometries and the incorporation of enhanced features or reinforcements, leading to better performance and durability. Reduced lead time: Repairing parts traditionally can involve prolonged lead times due to the need to source replacement components or wait for specialized equipment and skilled labor. Additive manufacturing can significantly reduce these lead times by eliminating the reliance on extensive [...]

By |January 19th, 2024|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Meltio|
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