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March 2023

Metrology Minute – Batch Processing

By |March 7th, 2023|Metrology Minute|

Control X is a powerful metrology product with dozens of inspection tools available including; 2D and 3D dimensioning, GD&T analysis, color maps, Whisker plots, and many more. After all of the inspection tools are deployed for a specific inspection plan, you can create a date and time-stamped report, serialized for a particular part scan. This ensures that the inspection report of a single-part scan against a nominal CAD model is correctly identified and stored.

Mastercam 2024 Viewing Graphical Planes and Geometry Color with Toolpaths

By |March 7th, 2023|Mastercam|

A Display graphical elements button has been added to hole-making and multiaxis toolpath dialog boxes. This control allows you to show or hide graphical elements such as selected geometry colors and graphical planes, depending on the toolpath type.

Mastercam 2024 Viewing Graphical Planes and Geometry Color with Toolpaths

Mastercam 2024 Viewing Linking Parameter Planes

When you create a hole-making toolpath, Mastercam can now display on-screen indicators of plane types and […]

Mastercam 2023 Mill Verify Enable Collision Checking

By |March 6th, 2023|Mastercam|

This blog post will cover a new feature in Mastercam 2023 Mill Verify that lets you enable collision checking and reporting. In previous versions of Mastercam, the collision checking options were found under the File tab, in the options menu, and proximity alerts were adjustable but always active. Now, a corner tab exposes the options, and proximity alerts can be enabled or disabled.

Mastercam 2023 Mill Verify Enable Collision Checking

Deviation Location Tool in Control X

By |March 3rd, 2023|3d Scanning & Reverse Engineering, Metrology Minute|

Deviation Location

Today’s post will cover the Deviation Location tool in Geomagic Control X. This tool creates a Best Fit Surface over an area of interest and enables you to analyze isolated areas on a part for wear, dents, bumps, corrosion, etc. While Reference Data is not required for this function, it is recommended. This tool takes measurements in an isolated location of the part and requires the existence […]

Analyzing Airfoil Shapes With Control X Airfoil Analysis

By |March 1st, 2023|Inspection|

Control X – Airfoil Analysis

Today’s blog post will show you that analyzing airfoil shapes is easier than ever using the Geomagic Control X Airfoil Analysis technology. Once you complete an airfoil scan and align with the nominal CAD model, the software is able to return dozens of useful parameters. These parameters are necessary for a complete airfoil analysis and some of them include:

Leading and […]

February 2023

Mastercam Network License Borrow Utility

By |February 27th, 2023|Technology|

This post will show you how to use the Mastercam Network License Borrowing utility when using a networkable software license for Mastercam. In previous versions of Mastercam’s Licensing, there were 2 options: a single-user USB HASP key and a NetHASP USB key which gave access to multiple users. Now, Mastercam has moved to using software licensing keys. These licenses support Mastercam’s 2019 to present versions and support similar licensing styles. They include local, individual-use software […]

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