As we live and work through this current COVID-19 pandemic one thing is very clear – Times are a-changin’ and a new normal will be with us for the long haul. Of course, at this point, we have no idea exactly what that “new normal” will be. It may take quite some time before it becomes clear. We have been very lucky here at Cimquest because our entire staff has remained, not only on the payroll but actively doing their jobs from home. We do have a skeleton crew that goes into the office for critical jobs and to run the 3D printers to continue providing 3D printing services. More details on a recent 3D printing job in an article below. I would like to say that it’s been “business as usual” here at Cimquest, despite nothing being ‘usual’ about this current situation. I am pleased to announce that, not only have we kept our entire staff working, but we have also hired three new employees during the pandemic. Staying positive and looking toward the future with hopeful optimism is the best thing we can do right now.
Looking forward, I do see permanent changes coming as a result of this crisis . . . changes that will stay well beyond our successful battle. Some of these include:
- 3D Printing will become more incorporated into the supply chain to allow for “Just in Time Manufacturing” and distributed production to bring manufacturing closer to the customers.
- There will be a major focus on the importance of manufacturing in our economy and within our US borders.
- Companies who are not nimble and well versed at changes will not survive and I do believe that Cimquest is very nimble and ready for the challenge.
- There will be a greater appreciation for individuals and companies who have true expertise and ability to get the job done in the face of obstacles.
- Remote students will become a much bigger part of our training classes and there will be a greater reliance on virtual events to share new product information.
- In-person training and training at a customers facility will include specific cleaning and social procedures to meet the customers needs.
We at Cimquest look forward to helping our customers navigate these challenging and a-changin’ times! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to me (732) 699-0400 x220 or any of our team members. We are here to help!
Rob Hassold
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