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Blog with 2 Columns2017-12-20T08:55:50-05:00

Metrology Minute – Product Manufacturing Information (PMI)

Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) is a topic that continues to grow legs throughout our Control X user community. It allows for the seamless transfer of manufacturing data to other systems for downstream applications. For example, the connecting arm below was created in Solidworks, one of the many CAD systems that support PMI. Notice that datums, dimensions with tolerances, as well as GD&T callouts are placed onto the 3D model in Solidworks. These PMI tools are found under the MBD Dimensions tab. CAD systems that can generate PMI models are often capable of creating Step 242 models as well. Step 242 is a fairly new Step format that includes the PMI data with the Step model. Step 242 provides an innovative approach to sharing a CAD model and its corresponding inspection data with third-party applications where native models cannot be provided. Our example illustrates the direct transfer of the complete native PMI model with dimensions into Control X for inspection. While in Control X, you can simply select the Import PMI menu option. The Solidworks PMI model, complete with all manufacturing data, is imported into Control X for inspection. The Import PMI menu tells you how many Datum, Dimension, and GD&T features are expected [...]

By |October 4th, 2022|Metrology Minute|

XYZprinting 3D Printing for a MfgPro236 xS Webinar – Webinar on Demand

XYZprinting 3D Printing for a MfgPro236 xS Webinar Replayed from a live webinar on Open-Platform & Fast Cycle Sintering SLS 3D printing! Join XYZ Printing & Cimquest for an on-demand webinar featuring XYZ 3D Printing's MfgPro236 xS 3D printer. XYZ Printing leverages high-performance smaller-build volume SLS machines that print high-quality parts while producing less waste – all within an affordable, open-platform system.

By |October 3rd, 2022|3D Printing Webinar, Webinar On Demand|

CAD/CAM vs 3D Printing – What’s the Difference?

NC code, CNC machines, G-code, CAD software, CAM software, 3D printing – even a quick dive into manufacturing will bombard you with terms like these. But what do they mean, and are they connected? This blog will piece apart three of the most commonly used terms in production circles today: CAD, CAM, and 3D printing. First, let’s define the three: CAD: computer-aided design; software that crafts virtual models of parts and part assemblies that will later be manufactured. CAM: computer-aided manufacturing; software that directs the actual manufacturing of said part(s) by communicating with a numerically controlled (NC) manufacturing machine. 3D printing: the process of building parts by laying material on a base or on other material in a predetermined motion. Just knowing their definitions isn’t enough, though. Let’s look at the relationships between and among these concepts. CAD and CAM Working Together CAD and CAM are used in tandem, but both are distinct types of software. CAD was created to automate the drafting of products. It is often used by designers to create renderings and drawings of models. These renderings can display the size, texture, shape, material, and general appearance of the designed part. Instead of painstakingly drawing multiple two-dimensional diagrams by hand, [...]

By |October 3rd, 2022|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Mastercam|

Xact Metal New XM300G Mid-Size Affordable High Performance Metal Printers

Aiming to bring affordable metal 3D printing to small- to medium-sized companies and decentralize metal 3D printing, Xact Metal™ recently announced the launch of the XM300G series of affordable mid-size metal 3D printers. “With pricing beginning at a US MSRP of $200,000 dollars, the XM300G series is ideal for printing high quantities or large parts where print speed is critical,” said Juan Mario Gomez, CEO of Xact Metal. “Based on the XM200G multi-laser printer platform, the introduction of the XM300G is another example of how Xact Metal continues to combine the requirements of metal powder-bed fusion and advanced technology to establish a new level of price and performance for additive manufacturing.” The XM300G family is a single-, dual-, or quad- independent laser system with 100% overlapping print zones that introduces industrial speed and performance at an affordable price, allowing small-to-medium companies to benefit from metal laser powder-bed fusion technology. A large 300 x 300 x 350 mm build volume, upgradable to 300 x 300 x 450 mm, a selection of 400W or 700W fiber lasers, and an interchangeable build platform to reduce printing cycle time, make the XM300G well-suited to support a wide variety of additive manufacturing applications. Xact Metal has already received [...]

By |September 30th, 2022|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, XactMetal|

October 3D Printing Tech Tour

We have another exciting opportunity for you to experience 3D Printing. On October 20, 2022, you can visit the ABCorp in Boston, MA to learn about 3D advancements and how Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) technology is reshaping how businesses approach digital transformation. We are joining forces with HP and ABCorp for this informative event. Participation is free and light refreshments will be provided but registration is required. Secure your spot today! Event Date October 20, 2022 2:30 - 5PM Agenda Speakers     Register today by clicking below. Register Here      

Mastercam Wildest Parts Competition

The challenge is simple. Create a bold, original item using Mastercam. Mastercam is looking for eye-catching items that will demonstrate the many impressive and creative things that can be made with Mastercam. This is your chance to break the mold, think outside of the box, and cut outside the lines. You will receive a free Mastercam t-shirt just for entering and you'll also have a chance to win cash prizes. The top award in each category is $3000, with a total of $5,200 in prizes for each of the two categories. Contest Divisions There are two different categories or divisions to this contest: Education Division (1st, 2nd, 3rd) – open to individual students at high school and college/university level of education. Professional Division (1st, 2nd, 3rd) – open to anyone with professional manufacturing experience; instructors are encouraged to enter parts in this division. Show Off Your Work Make sure to take videos and pictures of your project at various stages of development. Share these images on social media using #WildestParts, and #Mastercam to showcase your talent and ingenuity. Here are some ideas to share: Image or screen capture of the part in the design stage Image or screen capture of toolpaths or G-code you [...]

By |September 26th, 2022|Mastercam|
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