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Blog with 2 Columns2017-12-20T08:55:50-05:00

Creating and Using Stock Models for Machining

Creating and Using Stock Models for Machining This presentation will discuss the creation and usage of stock models for machining. We will demonstrate how to use stock models for machining by examining 3 Axis milling using stock models for calculating rest and leftover style machining from.

By |May 27th, 2020|mastercam webinar, Webinar On Demand|

Single Stream Lathe (Mill/Turn)

Single Stream Lathe (Mill/Turn) This presentation will show the use of a single stream Lathe (Mill/Turn). We will discuss part transfer, the use of second spindle operations and give an informative overview of POCO, Stock flip, and Stock Xfer. In addition, we will also explain the use of machining on sub-spindle.

By |May 27th, 2020|mastercam webinar, Webinar On Demand|

Watch Our Webinars On-demand

Cimquest has been hosting live webinars throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with the goal of bringing valuable information straight to your desktop while keeping you safe at home. We have made all of this information permanently accessible on our website through our brand new "Webinars on Demand" page. You can find this new page under our Resources tab, as shown below. On the page, you will find three sections of webinars including CAD/CAM, 3D Printing, and Scanning/Inspection. Just some of the webinar topics include: Mastercam products & programming Verisurf reporting and inspection tools Cimco tips and tricks 3D printing topics on various different printers including HP, Desktop Metal, Nexa3D, and Formlabs Geomagic product topics including Reverse engineering, inspection automation, PMI integration, and more If you missed our live events you can still enjoy the benefits of gaining all of this valuable knowledge. Just click the button below to be taken straight to the page where you can pick and choose from all the available topics. View webinars on-demand

By |May 27th, 2020|News / Promos|

Welcome New Employees

We are very happy and proud to announce the fact that we recently hired three new employees during this current difficult economic situation. Please help us to welcome Holly Fitzwater, Kevin Billett, and Hernando Munoz. Holly is a new Sr. Account Executive of 3D Printer Sales. She has 22 years of experience in Additive Manufacturing and started in this industry as a post-processing tech. She quickly moved into operating 4 SLA machines. From there she went into solution selling and working hard to help leading companies in MI, OH, IN and KY find the right fit when purchasing a 3D printer. Holly has experience in SLA, SLS, FFF, MLS, RTV, and Injection Tooling and is very excited to be on the Cimquest team representing the best in show 3D printer line up. Kevin has a degree in Industrial Design, a passion for technology and creativity, and he was poised for the move from design into the Additive Manufacturing world in late 2013. Since then he has worked with the likes of numerous 3D print companies, technologies, scanners and services and loves helping companies find the solution to all the problems this industry can offer. Making a life just outside of Philadelphia, his creative [...]

By |May 22nd, 2020|News / Promos|

Indian Navy Partners With Think3D

reprint from The Indian Navy has partnered with Indian 3D printing service bureau think3D to help produce spare parts on-demand using additive manufacturing, for both on and off-shore scenarios. The availability of spare parts has been a recurring problem for the Indian Navy due to the use of old, imported machinery. Collaborating with think3D, the Indian Navy has sought to solve this problem by instead 3D printing spare parts and replacing them on demand. think3D has supplied various 3D Printed spare parts to Indian Navy, all of which have been successfully tested and incorporated into its machinery. One particular case study that the company has shared revolves around the replacement of centrifugal pump impellers, key components for a ship’s operation, using 3D printing. The centrifugal pump impeller onboard Navy ships. Photo via think3D. The difficulty of sourcing spare parts for old machinery A large proportion of the machines present on the Navy’s ships are very old and imported from other countries. As such, sourcing spare parts for these machines whenever a component gets damaged can be a long process, with significant delays before a part is received. This can prove costly for the Navy as it keeps its machines idle [...]

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