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Blog with 2 Columns2017-12-20T08:55:50-05:00

Nexa3D and Henkel Partner to Expand Access to Ultra-Fast Functional 3D Printing

Nexa3D announces the immediate availability of 3843-xABS Black Material for durable prototypes and functional production parts powered by Loctite™ high-performance materials. Nexa3D, the maker of ultrafast stereolithography production 3D printers, recently announced that they entered into a partnership with Henkel to develop and deliver a family of co-branded performance photopolymer materials through its expanding Nexa3D channels globally. Nexa3D joins Henkel’s open platform of material partners with a focus on jointly addressing high throughput industrial production opportunities leveraging its leading print speed, large build volume and intelligent resin management technology to convert Henkel performance resins into functional parts on its NXE400 3D printer. Nexa3D and Henkel entered into this collaboration to leverage their combined expertise and drive orders of magnitude of improvement in industrial-scale additive manufacturing. Comparatively speaking, Nexa3D’s flagship printer, the NXE400, takes current 3D printing speeds from dialup internet to broadband, printing up to 19 liters of part volume at high speed, reducing the time to produce ready-to-use functional prototypes and production parts from hours to just minutes. Nexa3D 3843-xABS Black is a high performance, high modulus material that boasts excellent flexural and tensile physical properties with a relatively high degree of elongation. xABS Black displays high green strength and excellent heat [...]

By |April 24th, 2020|3D Printing / Additive Mfg, Nexa3D|

Learn about Nexa3D & Print in Real Time

Learn about Nexa3D & Print in Real Time Nexa3D printers are among the fastest in the marketplace, but how exactly does this technology work? In this webinar we will examine the logistics, overview the technology as a whole, and lastly print a build in real-time. Join us as we delve into the mechanics of Nexa3D

Machine Data Collection with Cimco

Machine Data Collection with Cimco - Webinars on Demand In this last chapter of this webinar series we will provide another substantial function to implement on your day to day use of the Cimco product.We will challenge you to learn the functions of Machine Data Collection (MDC) to collect shop floor information such as cycle start/stop, feed/speed overrides, etc. We will implement the use of MDC Ports to collect the data and MDC Clients to utilize the data by either displaying ‘live’ information on TV monitors strategically placed on the shop floor or in reporting. We’ll integrate the FUTURE by allowing Web Clients to enable the use of devices like Tablets, both for remote access, as well as providing a portable method to enter and view information.

By |April 22nd, 2020|Cimco Webinar on Demand|

Supply Chain Disruptions – Bringing Your Sourcing In-house

By George Sigouros, Account Executive Today, as we review our place in a new world order, it now features the pandemic crisis and a significant disruption in the global supply chain. Who knew we would be forced to evaluate our strategy and use additive manufacturing to in-source. As demonstrated by the global spread of the virus, combined with the life-saving response of the additive manufacturing community, clearly this has changed the way we do business. As medical teams struggle to cope with the reality of this global pandemic and work diligently to secure medical supplies, the crisis and the supply chain disruption has impacted the healthcare system and its ability to save lives. Now more than ever it is incumbent on us as a community to ensure that the medical teams have what they need to battle this crisis. The acceleration of producing medical parts and products, and not being dependent on outsourced manufacturing, is the new reality. With its ability to instantly adapt, additive manufacturing can deliver parts into a disrupted supply chain and be the life preserver that our community needs. This has brought new awareness and renewed value to the ability and strength of our industry. Insourcing and using 3D [...]

By |April 22nd, 2020|3D Printing / Additive Mfg|

Inspection Automation and Batch Inspection Webinar

Inspection Automation and Batch Inspection Webinar In this webinar on demand we demonstrate how Batch processing in Control X can be used to create one inspection process that can be applied to multiple parts and or scans automatically with the advantageous component of it being an unmanned process. Watch as we uncover how to develop a singular Control X inspection program then capitalize on it by using it for any other subsequent inspections.

By |April 21st, 2020|3D Scanning & RE Webinar, Webinar On Demand|

Don’t Lose Your Valuable Mastercam CAD/CAM Investment

With the upcoming release of Mastercam 2021, you will no longer be able to update or receive support for your copy of Mastercam X9. If you update now, you have the opportunity for dramatic savings and revolutionary, industry-changing new technologies! Mastercam X9 was released nearly seven years ago. Although it still gets the job done, you are missing out on productivity advances across the entire Mastercam family. Here is a glimpse of some of the features that you will miss out on by not updating. These have all been added since Mastercam X9 was released, including the adoption of a new, user-friendly interface, Dynamic Motion® improvements, Accelerated Finishing® advancements, and so much more! Mastercam 2020 3D tool enhancements Hole-making consolidation Restructured chaining dialog More realistic simulation Chaining enhancements Ability to track associativity Model-Based Definition Go to Home on Tool Plane change Mastercam 2019 New Deburr Toolpath for Multiaxis PrimeTurning™ Toolpath New Model Chamfer Toolpath for 2D machining Solid Hole Function 3D Tool Support Advanced Toolpath Display Mastercam 2018 Sandvik Coromant PrimeTurning™ Support 3D High Speed toolpath workflow Solid Sweep Center Support Mastercam Mill Contour Enhancements Mastercam 2017 Mastercam's New Interface Dynamic Mill Line of Sight Maximum Stock Engagement Tool Projection Multi-Station Tool Locators [...]

By |April 20th, 2020|Mastercam|
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