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The first annual J-DAMMIT Event is brought to you by Harrisburg University of Science and Technology with support from us, Cimquest, their partner.The Joint-Defense Advanced Manufacturing Meeting for Innovation and Transition, J-DAMMIT, event incorporates collaborative discussion with hands-on demonstrations of advanced manufacturing techniques and descriptions of how these innovative technologies are being implemented to support the Warfighter. Attendees will network with advanced manufacturing experts from Industry, Academia and Government, while visiting equipment and material vendor displays in an expo area that will also include a student poster session.The HU Advanced Manufacturing Team and our Industry Partners will provide IMMERSIVE demonstrations in Robotics, Additive Manufacturing, CNC Machining, Hybrid Manufacturing (DED + CNC), 3D Electronics Printing, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Smart Factory, and others. Attendees can get real Hands-On exposure to these technologies. Experts will be available to guide attendees through the equipment operation.

No other event allows attendees to test the operational capabilities of manufacturing technologies while presenting defense-focused use cases.


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