We are excited to announce that Cimquest is now an official Mastercam Educational reseller. This will bring educational customers and industrial manufacturers closer together for mutual benefit. With this change, educational institutions gain the benefit of greater connection with our industrial network of manufacturers using Mastercam. We can form a much-needed conduit between educational and industrial customers. This connection will enable better partnerships between schools and their local industry, which can lead to more effective and successful job placement for students.
“Our industrial Mastercam Resellers provide a valuable connection between manufacturing firms and educational institutions tasked with preparing students to join the workforce, and they have the talent and expertise to support both. We identified this channel realignment as a way for us to help U.S. schools better prepare students with strong technical skills in CAD/CAM and CNC machining, to meet the immediate needs of industry,” shared Doug Nemeth, Director of Sales for the Americas, Mastercam.
CNC Software, Inc. maintains an education department dedicated to supporting the educational market through sponsorships and involvement with organizations such as WorldSkills, SkillsUSA, Project MFG, National Robotics League, First Robotics, NASA HUNCH, and SAE International, as well as a partnership with TITANS of CNC Academy. The department also manages the Mastercam Educators Alliance, connecting instructors with each other, training opportunities, and subject matter experts in support of teaching excellence.
“This is the next step in Mastercam’s commitment to engaging with the next generation of CAM users,” said Peter Mancini, Education Product Manager, Mastercam. “We consider the needs of schools and educators teaching Mastercam in all of our business and software development decisions so that students receive the skills they need to fill rewarding jobs in industry—and industrial users gain a supply of skilled workers for a growing number of vacancies.”
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