There is an exciting new development in the Mastercam 2017 stock model operation. In previous versions, cuts made with C-axis lathe toolpaths or true milling toolpaths would not update the lathe stock. Now in Mastercam 2017, stock awareness has been fully integrated by allowing the stock model operation to update the lathe stock definition.

Mastercam 2017 Stock Model Operations in Lathe

If you have a lathe facing operation using a fixed tool followed by a contour and a drilling operation that both use live tools, the Mastercam simulator does show the material being cut. If you return to the main screen and move the red insert arrow down the operations tree starting from the top, you will see that only the lathe facing actually updates the stock definition. And, if you try to make an I.D. boring operation, Mastercam produces a crash warning.

Mastercam 2017 Stock Model Operations in Lathe

Select Stock Model from the Turning tab on the ribbon and look in the Utilities section.

Mastercam 2017 Stock Model Operations in Lathe

Mastercam 2017 Stock Model Operations in Lathe

When the box opens, enter a name and click the Stock Setup button.

Mastercam 2017 Stock Model Operations in Lathe

Next, check the box labeled Lathe Option – Create Stock Boundary. Once that is done, go to the Source Operations Branch, and select the toolpaths that you want Mastercam to recognize.

Mastercam 2017 Stock Model Operations in Lathe

Click OK and in a few moments Mastercam generates a model of the cut stock. This model can be shaded or unshaded using standard commands and it can be made visible or invisible the same way as a toolpath.

Mastercam 2017 Stock Model Operations in Lathe

You can also add facing, O.D. and I.D. operations using fixed lathe tools. Note that the stock removed by milling has been sensed and there are no crash warnings or air cutting moves. This process has many steps and if you prefer to watch a video that steps you through the process, please click below.


As you can see, this new integration of stock awareness and update allows you to use many more strategies when programming. Please be sure to sign up for our 2 Minute Tuesday video series to receive tips and tricks like this one in video form every week. More info at the button below.