There is a new enhancement to the solid direct editing tools. In previous versions of Mastercam any changes made with model prep could not be undone. Now, up to twenty-five steps can be rolled back or forward using controls completely independent from the main Undo/Redo commands.
If you have some toolpaths already programmed on a part you will see the standard Undo/Redo arrows on the quick access toolbar as shown below . . .
. . . as well as the model prep specific ones shown here in the Solids Manager.
Now, let’s say you use the Push/Pull and Position to alter the part and fixturing models. Then you change the slot depths on the part and move some of the holes. You will notice that the Undo arrow on the Solids tab becomes active.
You can make similar changes to the clamps and reposition the nuts using the position layout tool and then as you step back and forth in the Solids Undo, you can see how the edits to the model are affected.
However, please note that the positioning of the clamp nuts is affected by the main Undo/Redo command set. Only the direct editing commands which affect the physical attributes of the geometry populate into the Solids Command History.
As you can see, this new option gives you more flexibility to test ideas before a final commitment. Please be sure to sign up for our 2 Minute Tuesday video series to receive tips and tricks like this one in video form every week. More info at the button below.
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