With Mastercam 2020 you can set up your max spindle RPMs for various machine types. Whether it is a Milling machine, a router, or a lathe, you will want to properly set up the max RPMs so you are using your machine to its full potential.
Start with your milling machine selected and then go to the Machine tab to select the Machine Definition option.
Click the checkmark in the box that appears and then right-click in the Machine section of the window and select Expand All so we can see the entire machine component list.
From here, you can right-click on your Tool Spindle option and enter the Properties page.
Inside of the Tool Spindle page, you now have an option to set your Maximum Spindle Speed. By default, this is set to 50,000 RPM, but you can set that to be lower or higher.
Once you have the desired speed entered, hit the checkmark and the Save icon in the Machine Definition page to accept your changes. Note that you can follow these same steps for your Router machines as well.
Now let’s look at the lathe spindle speed settings. Once you are in the Machine Definition Manager and expand the entire machine components, you can change a few different RPMs in your lathes the same way you just did for a mill machine. If you have Dual Spindles or live tooling enabled on the machine, you can individually set those.
For Dual spindles, the main spindle RPM might need to be set a little lower, however, the sub-spindle might be able to run a little bit faster since the part should, in theory, be lighter.
Same thing applies for our Live tooling spindles. You can find the turret you are using on the machine, whether it is top or bottom, and enter the properties of the tool spindle. In here, you can set the RPM for these live tools just like a Mill or Router.
As you can see, setting up the RPMs for our various types of machines is fast and easy. Whether you are using a complex Dual Spindle Lathe with Live Tooling or a simple 3 axis Mill or Router, in a few simple clicks you can have the proper RPM limits entered.
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