The Mastercam 2017 Radial Chip Thinning Factor can be applied with high-speed machining techniques in selected Mastercam milling operations. In previous versions, you would have to calculate this adjustment manually when using a machining stepover of less than 50%. Now in Mastercam 2017, a simple checkbox labeled RCTF found on the Tool page calculates and updates the operation automatically.
To use this function, pick a machining operation from a toolpath gallery. Once the geometry and machining region are selected, move on to set the machining parameters and define the tool. You can edit the tool and define composition, number of flutes, dimensions, and feed & speed data, as expressed in surface feet per minute and chip load per tooth based on the manufacturers’ recommendations.
Next, go to the cut parameters area of the toolpath where the radial step-over is set.
The original feedrate was based on a radial step-over of 50% and a small step-down in Z. Here we will use the full depth of flute length of the tool in Z, so reduce the radial step-over back to just 10% of its diameter. This means the actual feedrate will need to be adjusted to maintain the recommended feed per tooth.
Next, return to the branch labeled Tool in the operation. Check the box labeled RCTF and Mastercam adjusts the feedrate instantly.
The boxes labeled Spindle Speed, FPT, and SFM remains unchanged. Only the actual output feedrate is affected. If you change the step-over again, the RCTF factor is adjusted automatically.
As you can see, the RCTF option box makes the latest in machining technology easy to use for anyone.
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